Friday, August 08, 2003

Congress scared, new view from an op-ed, where's my tea

I haven't had a cup of tea yet today. So my thoughts are still a bit fluid.

However, even my half lucid brain recognizes that This ZDNet Article / Op-Ed piece has some interesting points that has not yet been made by the usual players critiquing congress, the RIAA et al, and ordinary citizens with regard to how copyright, piracy, and the digital medium are interacting. Congress has internalized fears that do not exist outside the beltway (and the RIAA et al). Maybe it's the right of the RIAA, legally speaking, to sue people (and garner a worse public image, alienate their customers and the creators of music). Also there should be more of a distincition of piracy and copyright infringement. Maybe I'm seeing the circle of "fair use" broaden to cover what is currently an "infringement", but maybe I'm seeing it from a perspective that is just ahead of the legislation.

Either way ... I'm seeing a cup of tea in my near future.


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