Saturday, September 14, 2002

So I'm joining a chruch.

Don't worry, it's not like "So I'm joining a cult." I think this will work out well. There's an intake class (that I have some homework for) that asks some basic questions of yourself. One piece of homework was to write a short bio. Here's mine:

"I grew up in Houston and attended a very loving Catholic Church. There I was active in the youth group and attended services regularly. However, my participation with the church declined after we moved. I went to school in Austin. I worked in Austin and Houston after graduating. I have just recently moved to Dallas. I am looking forward to exploring my relationship with God."

ok, I'm tired, lots of moving and stuff. More later.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Last day of work...

I thought I'd be done last Friday, then Monday, then Tuesday.

I thought I'd bemore moved by the Commerations and programs going on about Sept 11. But I've ben feeling the assault since Sunday. I can only take so much. When I heard the Joint Chief of Staff commerating those who lost their lives and calling for war, I couldn't take any more.

I'm actually glad I'm at work. I have something to do.

It would otherwise sicken me to know that there are people tainting the memory of the innocents who died in the crash and those who were and are affected with calls for war.