Just saw a really amazing movie. _The Debut_ (www.debutfilm.com)
It hit so many notes.
It hit so many notes right.
It hit so many notes right, tightly, and with such honesty that I couldn't help myself from laughing out loud, reliving childhood and adult trauma, and seeing myself and my family in so many ways.
This is what Films are about.
And just like _Trembling Before G-d_ (http://www.tremblingbeforeg-d.com/) spoke to anyone who grows up as part of a strong faith, _The Debut_ film spokes to anyone who straddles the line between two cultures.
It speaks of dreams, lack of understanding, coming together, breaking, and most importantly Food.
I'll let the website, the accolades from Roger Ebert (http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/2002/03/032203.html) , the awards from International Film Festivals, and others speak on the story and the story of the film and our community. ... esp since it's past midnight and I haven't done laundry yet.
But I really hope that I can get my parents to see this film. I know it'll help us understand each other a bit more.