Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Would you buy a Lamp from this man?

So there's an ebay auction for a 15" iMac. It's really REALLY cheap for an iMac. He says he got it as a gift... But the seller doesn't have a rating yet.

Would you do it?
And so it begins ...

I've got boxes, I've got tape, I've got our Home to Pack.

I've so far watched 2 episodes of SportsNight (I LOVE THAT SHOW), 1 new BTVS (Buffy The "So Fucking Rocks" Vampire Slayer), and was about to start something else TiVo recorded.

What's going on?

Our home looks good.
Our home is full of memories, of Love.
I don't want to put it in boxes.
You know, you just don't expect the Russian Club kids.

So some handymen are coming to replace some of the woodwork over the fence around the utility area. No biggie. I leave the gates unlocked and go off during lunch to drop a check off. I ask which one is Alex, the guy I'm supposed to leave the check with.

He seems surprised that I've been instructed to leave the check with him. To be honest, I'm surprised with him. Instead of your average workman in just some dirty pants and a white T, he's a hot tall lean blond with a Russian accient in Jeans and an A&F shirt. As he's kicking back a smoke I'm expecting him to be heading off to Club Land, not hammering wood.

He says it's alright to leave it with him since his Boyfriend's the one that it's made out too. We chat for a while about the work and the area as I try to figure out his earings placements. He's got 2 low on the left, one high on the right. Kids these days.

I've really REALLY got to hand it to our Realtor. She can really pick 'em :)
yep ... the client wants another change to the copy on that form. He's freaking out with a blank there. So we're adding some copy that says "For Informational Purposes Only" ... *sigh*
My brother just IMed me. "I challenge anyone to find a domestic case for a sony clie nr70v"

... , searched "sony clie nr70v case", found 8 items. What did we do before the internet?

I just realized that I haven't told all of my family my move dates. I'm moving to another city and they don't know.

Big life change / event, and I haven't told them. I think it's a habit I've picked up from my parents. But It's not one that I want to continue.

... just read Ebert's review.

So not up to how real this film was to me. Just go see the F--- (censored) film. If you're not talking up a storm with your friends, seeing yourself in the film, or needing a cigarette, let me know and I'll pay your ticket price ... unless you're in New York. I think I can afford to do 1 ticket in New York.

Just saw a really amazing movie. _The Debut_ (

It hit so many notes.
It hit so many notes right.
It hit so many notes right, tightly, and with such honesty that I couldn't help myself from laughing out loud, reliving childhood and adult trauma, and seeing myself and my family in so many ways.

This is what Films are about.

And just like _Trembling Before G-d_ ( spoke to anyone who grows up as part of a strong faith, _The Debut_ film spokes to anyone who straddles the line between two cultures.

It speaks of dreams, lack of understanding, coming together, breaking, and most importantly Food.

I'll let the website, the accolades from Roger Ebert ( , the awards from International Film Festivals, and others speak on the story and the story of the film and our community. ... esp since it's past midnight and I haven't done laundry yet.

But I really hope that I can get my parents to see this film. I know it'll help us understand each other a bit more.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

My Sister and a movie

My sister's coming over. She bought tickets to a movie made by a Filippino American. I'm hoping it's good. I don't have access to packing material, so that's stalled for today. I'm going to chalk it up to quality time. Maybe we'll look for a mac for my parents.
HVAC, Bridget Fonda, and Jet Li:

So I left work early today to meet w/ the AC guy. It took a while for him to get here. As you can guess, AC people are in high demand in Houston.

So anyway, he checked out the place, as requested by the people buying it. We both think their inspector was on crack rock as the AC is new, working great, and at most needed to be topped off with some Freon. ... is that bad for the planet?

So I talked to him a bit while he worked. He joked that he could jump up to the roof like Jet Li. Then he couldn't remember the name of the movie he did with Jane Fonda's niece. A quick search on the later, I had an invoice that will satisfy the buyers and their inspectors as well as a nice little discount on the AC visit :)

Work Madness.

I'm finishing up a contract here in Houston. It's a great team of people that I'm going to miss.

What I don't think I'm going to miss is one Client we have and the Underwriter that seems lost in their own reality. Granted, as an Insurance Brokerage, we're trying to accommodate the Client and the Underwriter that’s providing the Insurance for our Client.

However, this people at the Underwriters office .. the color of the sky in their world must be very nice.

Here’s the Deal. The Underwriters want some specific legaliese to appear in a specific field of Proof of Insurance Certificates. That’s all fine and well and good. However, this was brought up in Feb. They signed a contract agreeing to procedures back in December. And they’re only really now making an issue of it now.

Additionally, there has been so much back and forth on the wording ... I swear if it changes one more time, I’m going to scream! And the copy 2 versions ago couldn’t have been good English. It had a semicolon followed by an "or", followed by a comma. That couldn’t have been right.

Also, 3 iterations ago we had two choices of text. We cut it to just one. Shoved it into production. We just got word that they want an additional option of text. *sigh*

... ‘nuff work whining.
Well, I've done it.

I've started a blog. I've been meaning to do this for a while. But I haven't had a chance to code soemthing up myself or to fully checkout what my ISP / WebSpace provider, Earthlink, has to offer. So I diecided a quick solution would be to use the same one that my friend Ted, of Ted and Leslie, uses.

Granted, I don't think I'll be a Jason Pettus or a Moby, but I wanted to get some of the wacky things that are going on in life down before they passed me by. I'm sure that my college life was enough to do a good little Novel on, but I don't have any notes.

Ok, I'm going to get back to work now.