Thursday, March 04, 2004

For those who are worried that I'm not getting out enough

For those of you who are worried because much of what I've been posting is for Sangita

For those of you who have been worried becuase I've been posting so much about Blanche, please rest assured things are alright.

Indeed, I am getting out more.

Yes, the job search is going well. I'm trying to type this entry up fast so that I've got time to get changed and relax a bit before the next round of an interview.

Also, I will be making my first solo trip out of Dallas shortly.
Yes, I know it's been a while. And I do think that I should have pushed harder to get to Austin for Tye & Eric's going away party, Nancy's Life party. I am still learning to rebalance my life.

But, I will be down for Nick's wedding this Satruday.
Truth be told, I'm going to try and make Effie's Engagement party this Friday, but I haven't told anyone for sure and I'm not making promises till I'm there. But I'd like to show that I'm happy for Effie :)

What else ... grr... I've been having problems with my Sync to Evolution since I synced to another WinXP machine. I think the poor thing is confused with too much synch ... only I'm not sure which poor thing. I hope this does not tempt fate.

Ok, I'm gonna get changed and get going.


We had a mid morning walk

We had a mid morning walk

Sangita, FYI, Blanche and I had a mid morning walk.

I had to get some stuff faxed off and such, but we did eventually get out there for a walk. She got to run around a bit with the wind really kicking up. I think she really enjoyed that.

It is a sad thing, to beg for your life

It is a sad thing to beg for your life

Don't worry, Sagita, the quote is from _The West Wing_. It was said in a parable of the all too true and ignored plight of Africa and many other parts of the world where AIDS ravages whole familes and is ... whole towns, whole generations ...

This should have all stopped in the 80s. It should have just been lingering in the 90s. ... And it's still here.

I've got to say I'm feeling a little ashamed now, Sangita. The quote was brought to mind after a bit of hard negotiations over something that's so ... so meaningless compared to the problems that we CAN help our fellow man with. I am humbled, admonished, and now somewhat depressed over how little we do to help each other sometimes.

... we need to help each other more.

Monday, March 01, 2004

It's my birthday, and it's not an issue...

It's my birthday, and it's not an issue...

Yep, it's my birthday. It's my brithday.

Wow! I don't know that I feel older. However, I feel like I've learned a lot in this past year. I feel like I've there have been some pretty significant changes. And before my brother says this blog going Doogie...

  • Mark and I have recently joined a Church that both of us get something out of

  • I've restarted examining my spiritual life

  • ... ok, we haven't started working out again, yet ... but soon ! ! !

  • Blanche... there is so much joy that's been brought into my life and Mark's life becuase we have a puppy

  • Wow, there is so much cool open source technology that I've finally had a chance to learn and play with

  • I can't really explain why, but I'm starting to feel more like an adult than a college expat. I should explain this a little. Most of Mark's friends here in Dallas, ie, most of the people we hang out with, cook with, and go to movies with are a bit older than us. Granted, the range spans from 20 to just 2 years older than Mark. However, adding that to the five years between Mark and I ... When we first arrived in Dallas, I felt very junior to these men. I can't say what has changed, but I now feel more like a peer to them.

  • I will now admit there is more to casual dress then just a t-shirt and denim. Yes, Wilson, Marcus, David, Judy, Allen, Scott, I am currently wearing jeans that do not have holes in them. I am wearing a belt.

  • There's more that I might add through the day

As a quick aside, yes, I am taking some of today off from job search in order to get some of this cleaning up out of the way. And yes, I may actually update my personal website as well.

And no, Sangita, I have not taken Blanche out for a walk yet. However, I did just let her outside to sun / run around / goto the bathroom.