Friday, July 11, 2003

Modem for sale

I've got a spare 56K WinModem from Pragmatic that I've never opened. I'm selling it on eBay ITEM 3422801967 ... anyone interested?

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

What is the way, the path, the goal?

Who are you?

What do you want?

Do you have anything to live for?

Whom do you serve and who do you trust?

Questions from Babylon5 and JMS. ... hence questions from many places about how to live, how to determine how to live, and what it means ...

*sigh* ... as you can guess, I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment. Hopefully, it's just a little low blood sugar. Hopefully I'll get focus back in a few minutes as the mean I've just had begins to digets.

Becuase I hate the feeling that I'm just waiting for Godot.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Train wreck this weekend

Oh my ... DJs have a term for when they've got a lot of things going on, they're trying to keep each ball in the air, and they all come falling down. It's called a Train Wreck.

We had a good weekend. A Good 4th of July Holiday. However, it turned into somewhat of a Train Wreck... More on that later.