Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I'm prepping for an interview, but ..

I'm currently prepping for an interview, but ...

In the back of my mind is outrage. I'm going to admit it, it's plain outrage.

President Bush's support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage brings this debate to the forefront, removes the focus from the economy, jobs, the current state of Iraq and Afganistan, the probes into the intellegence that brought us to Iraq, the probes of the 9-11 commision, and a whole host of other issues.

I'll admit, I want to have a civil marriage. I'll admit, I don't care what it calls. Reclassify all marriage licenses as a Union for all I care, and let religious unions have a Marriage License. I don't really care that much.

What I do care about is that THE ICE CAPS ARE MELTING ! ! !
The US is defecit is back in the red.
The job market is still tight in the US.

And you know what else hacks me off? Jesus Christ specifically talked about Divorce. He said it was wrong. Yet we allow civil divorce. The mendacity reeks of the era of Separate but Equal!